About Bandung

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mad Buffalo

These masked characters are the performers of Seni Helaran Kebo Ngamuk (lit. mad buffalo perfomance art) from the Indramayu regency in the northeastern coast of the Province of West Java (of which Bandung is the capital city).

Kebo Ngamuk performance consists of several acrobatic attractions with a mock-up mad buffalo as the central figure and a number of masked performers like these fighting with the buffalo. The performance is accompanied with dymanic music that is typical of the northern cost of West Java region.


  1. Those masks are terrific. I'd like to see what the performance entails one day...

  2. Eki,

    Looked like a lot of fun. I would have loved to see it.

  3. what a cool festival. i'll tune in for more.

  4. It is a fun festival and the masks are terrific. Would love 2 c it one day.

  5. nice! very interesting activtiy. i dont see it here.


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