About Bandung

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A 1968 Vintage Vespa Scooter

A few days ago, while photograph-hunting on the streets, I came across this guy with his old vintage Vespa Scooter stopping on the northern part of Braga Street. Admiring his well-maintained scooter, I asked if I could take a photograph of him and his scooter. He agreed. I set my camera to sepia tone for the top photo to make it look old.

After taking the photographs, we talked a bit. He told me that he had two of them and that he was a member of the Bandung Chapter of Scooter Owners Group Indonesia. He also said that the group is an international group with branches in many other countries in the world. Members from other countries - especially those from the neighboring countries of Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia - often come here in search for old Vespa scooters, which, he says, are relatively easier to find and less expensive here.


  1. The vintage-looking photo came out really nice.
    That Vespa is in good shape.

    Ahh, 1968, that was the year I had to sell my beloved Honda 50 when I moved to my new country.

  2. Very nice picture & vespa scooter.

  3. I wonder if he knows Chuck of Seattle? Chuck rides Vespas and belongs to some group.

    Nice photos.



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