About Bandung

Monday, October 25, 2010

Car on Fire

One of the advantages of having a camera with you all the time is that you will be ready for action whenever a situation occurs, like this one. On my way to work a few weeks ago, I saw a car caught on fire. I immediately stopped and took some pictures of it as some people were trying to help the owner of this car to extinguish the fire.

It was a terrible fire. Luckily the car did not explode and nobody got hurt.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Most Popular Malaysian in Indonesia

This baloon figure is that of Upin, one of the twin characters of a Malaysian animation movie Upin & Ipin. In Indonesia this movie is broadcast on two television stations: TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia) and TPI.

Upin and Ipin are probably the most popular and adored Malaysian in Indonesia.

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Navajo-an Head Sky

The moment I saw this - on my way home one late afternoon and just a few seconds before I decided to stop my car and took the picture - it's the feather-adorning head of the Navajo Native American Indian that came into my imagination. You may have a different imagination about the image shaped by these clouds and the sun rays, but I think we can all agree that the shapes of clouds in the sky can indeed become a source of different imaginations and stories.

It's Friday and time for the Skywatch. Check other participating blogs by clicking on the link.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Krakatao Band

Of the many stage performances staged at Pasar Seni ITB 2010 (ITB Art Market 2010), the Krakatao Band's performance was probably the most awaited.

Krakatau Band has a unique concept of music that combines Indonesian ancient Gamelan tonal system called Slendro or Salendro (which is known in Karawitan traditional music of Sunda, Java, and Bali) as the basis and the Western diatonic musical elements to form an energetic jazzy-feel fusion.

Their performance here I should say was very electrifying and managed to spell the audience (myself included) to sit (some even stand) still, cheer, and sing with them ever under the heat of the early afternoon sun. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to upload the video I took because of the slow internet connection. But you can listen to the sample of their musical compositions in their website that I linked above.

Friday, October 15, 2010

NATO - Nature's Artistic Revelation

Neptune, the Roman mythological god of water and the sea, had hidden himself in the root of a huge teak tree. When the tree was cut down, he rose from under the ground, outraged and swearing, "Are you out of your mind!? What right have you got to uproot me like that and woke me up from my centuries of sleep?"

Now, that's the story I had in mind when I saw this sculpture that was minimally sculpted from a piece of the dead root of a teak tree.

NATO Art - the 'birthplace' this marvelous piece of sculpture - is an art workshop and museum that specilizes in creating, nay, revealing a piece of art that nature has intended to create. They sculpt figures and shapes following the contours and shapes that the original material - teak tree roots - inspires them to make. The one above is one of the many marvelous pieces they exhibited at Pasar Seni ITB last weekend.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Plastic Bag Dieting

Pasar Seni ITB 2010 (The 2010 ITB Art Market) event was also used by the students to campaign against the excessive use of plastic bags.

This plastic-bag man who carried a banner saying "Start Plastic-Bag Dieting Now!" and his partner Captain Bagoes - a green super hero who fights against excessive use of plastic bags - were a favorite among the visitors. Many of them wanted to have their photo taken with them because they looked unique and attractive in their costumes. I hope their attractive appearance and the photo ops would help spread the message of how pressing the issue of plastic bag pollution is to the city.

According to the banner carried by the plastic-bag man, about 600 - 700 cubic meters of plastic bag garbage is used and dumped in this city per day. That amount is equal to the weight of 100 elephants. If the average weight of an elephant is four tons, then the number is about 400 tons. That is a seriously threatening weight of pollution to the city considering that plastic is a non-biodegradable material. It takes hundreds and some even say thousands of years for plastic to be degraded by nature. So, the message is very urgently proper and pressing: limit the use of plastic bags NOW!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pasa and Salma, The Mascots

Here is Salma, one of the mascots of the Pasar Seni ITB 2010. Salma is a four-armed, two-footed, obese 'tosca' (torquoise?) green elephant. He or she (it's not clear what its sex is, but from its name, it might be a she) is described as an animal who is used to defecating and urinating in the place designated for it. However, it also often forgets to wash its hands afterwards. Like any obese animals, it often becomes an object of ridicule (or bullying) from its counterpart, Pasa (see the picture below). However, he is a blessed animal. With the blessing of Ganesha (the patron Diety of art and science in Hinduism, which also happens to be the emblem of Bandung Institute of Technology [ITB] - the venue and organizer of the Pasar Seni), it possesses wisdom and intelligence that make it a strong animal.

Salma is quite probably the metaphorical symbol of ITB.

Sorry for the blurry picture, but here is Pasa - Salma's counterpart and the other mascot of the 2010 Pasar Seni ITB:

Pasa is an agile pink horse who loves criticizing. He or she (again, it is not clear what its sex is, but from its name, it might be a he) is described as an animal who likes to spend the weekends by offering horse rides for urban children who are charged 'worrisome' fares for the horse-riding experience. Unlike Salma, it has the bad habit of defacating and urinating whereever it likes and considers the streets as a virtual toilet.

Pasa is quite probably the symbolic depiction of the pony horses that populate the streets around the ITB campus that are offered as a weekend fun ride for children visiting the nearby Bandung Zoo with their family.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pasar Seni ITB 2010

This mountain of bikes (instead of mountain bikes) is one of the installation art pieces displayed at the Pasar Seni ITB 2010 (the 2010 Bandung Institute of Technology Art Market) that was held today at ITB's campus ground.

Pasar Seni ITB (PS ITB) is one of the largest art market events in the country. It has been held every four years since 1972, and this year is its 10th, which is an auspicious number considering that it was held on the 10th of October 2010, was officially opened at 10:00 o'clock, and lasted only for 10 hours (that makes it 10 10 10 10 10 10 - what a binary number sequence!).

This year's PS ITB carries the theme "The Forgotten" and is attended by no fewer than 344 art 'houses' and communities, artists, education, and culinary stands plus representative delegates from Malaysia, the United States, and Germany.

The idea for this art market event was originally conceived to provide a marketplace where artists, art dealers, and the public at large can meet. In this way, it is hoped that the distance between art and its public will be narrowed. It is also expected to become a way means to promote Indonesia's creative industry and art.

In addition to the exhibitions and stands, the ITB Art Market also has great art performances.

Here is the Ganesha street that runs in southern end of ITB's main campus. Today the street was turned into Art Street. As you can see from the picture, the gate to this street is made entirely of twigs.

And here's another installation art piece I saw today. This one was installed at the center of the campus (and the art market ground).

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Robust Ki Hyang

This is Ki Hyang, the local Sundanese name for albizia procera, that grows robustly outside our office at the Faculty of Language and Arts Education of the Indonesia University of Education. I love this tree for the green shades it provides and the lovely figure of branches it has.

Like most albizia family, Ki Hyang (or Ki Hiang) is is a large, fast-growing tree that is native to many Asian forests and savanna woodlands. This particular species, however, trives especially well in cooler and moister tropical climates like that of Bandung's.

Friday, October 8, 2010

More of Villa Isola

I took this photo yesterday afternoon from the UPI's Faculty of Language and Art building with my mobile device. It was exceptionally sunny after a lot of rainy days this year and the clouds looked interesting.

This is also my first posting from my mobile device. Let's see how it turns out. If it looks good, then I can probably post/report life from anywhere.

Have as good Friday everyone!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kite Is Art

A kite is not just a play thing, it's an art.

It is believed that kite had existed in China in the 800 BC. However, some cave paintings found on Muna Island, near the island of Sulawesi in what is now Indonesia proved that it may have existed long before that.

The kites in these photos are some of the exhibits displayed by Art Kite Indonesia at the Bambu Nusantara Festival held in Bandung last weekend.

Monday, October 4, 2010


This boy is playing the karinding, a traditional Sundanese musical intrument made of bamboo.

The karinding is a percussion instrument. It is played by puting it in between the lips and shaking it with the fingers to produce a rhythmical vibration.

There are two types of karinding: those made of the midrib of kawung (arenga pinnata) palm leaves and those made of bamboo. The former is said to have originated from the southeast of West Javanese area of Tasikmalaya, and the latter from Cililin (an area in the southwest of Bandung) and Limbangan, Garut (about 65 kilometers to the southeast of Bandung). In terms of shape, they are also slightly different. The former is shorter and is said to have initially been made by men, while the latter is longer and made by women. Such attribution is thought to have something to do with the fact that the shorter one (the 'kawung', male, karinding) can easily be stowed in a man's tobacco walet and the longer one (the bamboo, female, karinding) can be slipped into a woman's hair (and thus also functions as a hairpin).

The karinding is not just a musical intrument. In the agrarian culture of the Sundanese people where rice growing and cultivation occupies a central importance, the low decibel sounds that it produces have traditionally been believed and proven to be a very effective means of pest control.

To see how it is played and hear its sounds, here is a You Tube video that I borrowed from TejoFilm:

The karinding exhibition and demo was part the 4th Bambu Nusantara World Music Festival that was held this weekend in Bandung.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


This is the entrace to Sabuga Hall, where the 2010, 4th Bambu Nusantara World Music Festival is held today and tomorrow.

Sabuga (Sasana Budaya Ganesha) or Ganesha Cultural Hall is the biggest and - some say - the best cultural and convention center in Bandung. The 22,000 square meter center is located on Babakan Siliwangi river valley near the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) campus and Bandung Zoological Park. According to its website, it has the following facilities:

A Convention Hall
A Function Hall
A Meeting Room
An Omni Theatre
A Science Gallery
A KidSmart (playground?)

and a parking space that can accommodate up to 750 cars.

Many important events have been held here. One of the most recent was SBY (Indonesia's incumbent president) declaration of presidential candidacy in 2009.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 2010 Theme Day: Graffiti

This is a graffito on Perintis Kemerdekaan street near the hearquaters of Indonesian Railway Company (PT KAI) in Bandung.

This post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation in October 2010 Theme Day: Graffiti. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants