About Bandung

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Navajo-an Head Sky

The moment I saw this - on my way home one late afternoon and just a few seconds before I decided to stop my car and took the picture - it's the feather-adorning head of the Navajo Native American Indian that came into my imagination. You may have a different imagination about the image shaped by these clouds and the sun rays, but I think we can all agree that the shapes of clouds in the sky can indeed become a source of different imaginations and stories.

It's Friday and time for the Skywatch. Check other participating blogs by clicking on the link.


  1. It almost looks like a fish head, it is such a cool shot. You must take your camera everywhere with you!

  2. Your blog is beautiful... This photo does inspire the imagination...
    I see you feather!
    *enjoy a restful weekend*

  3. I can see that Navajo head. This is a unique and spectacular shot!

  4. dramatic and interesting light! and yes, i can see the Navajo head.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.