About Bandung

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Do You Like Your Hot Dog?

How do you like your hot dog?

Do you like it big or small? With a lot ketchup, mayonnaise, or mustard? With pickle, coleslaw, sauerkraut, onion, lettuce, tomato, cheese or chili peppers? And the bun, how do you like it to be?

I am not usually a fast food eater. But at the Bandung World Jazz Fest last week, this hot dog looked so tempting and I couldn't help myself to try it. And with the jazzy atmosphere around, it tasted yummy!

The stall that sold this hot dog is called Lekker. I think it's a local franchise.


  1. LOL This really is an artistic hotdog! Fun

  2. yummy! I love Lekker Hot Dogs too..
    Greetings from Jogja :)

  3. A big one with a lot of hot sauce and without mayonnaise, or mustard... :)

  4. We're not used to it (eat ? :-).
    Maybe I would have tried too.
    Nices colors anyway.

  5. one fast food thingy i can't resist. ^0^
    me, i just love a good ol' hotdog, without the hefty condiments, just some ketchup, even without the bun,as long as it's tasty.

  6. I'm a little freaked out with mayo in the mix. I'm sure it's good, but I wouldn't put mayo in my dog - just a simple ketchup, mustard and pickles.

    This is an artistically prepared dog.


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