About Bandung

Thursday, December 16, 2010

USD Staircase

My students, some colleagues, and I went to Yogyakarta for a comparative study to Sanata Dharma Catholic University and excursion last week. Needless to say, I took a lot of interesting pictures from the trip. Here is the first one that I want to share with you: the staircase at the main administrative building of the university. From the top floor, the patterns produced by this staircase look very interesting.


  1. It's a beautiful staircase, and the windows too.
    Looking forward to your other discoveries from the excursion.

  2. i always find shots like this wonderful. i too am awaiting eagerly for what else you snapped while you were away.

  3. I saw staircase similiar to this one in Pintu Terlarang Movie.

    Could it be in the same place?

  4. that's a nice perspective, a winding staircase in b*w shot. ^0^
    i hope you had a nice break from your excursion.

  5. Staircases are always good subjets to photography. They're so graphical. It gives always a wonderful result.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.