About Bandung

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pinhole Ideas Over A Cup of Coffee

Once a month, a group of photographers in Bandung get together for a late afternoon talk of nothing in particular in a forum called ONGKOSS (Omong Kosong Sore-sore), a name which literally means Afternoon Chatters. I'm a 'member' of the group (well, sort of, because this group has no formal membership; any photographers or people interested in photography can come and join the chat).

Last week, the gathering was held at Bengawan Coffee Shop on Jalan Bengawan 54 where a pinhole photography exhibition was being held as part of Komunitas Kamera Lubang Jarum Bandung (Bandung Pinhole Camera Community) efforts to introduce and share their works with the public.

I was there, and the topic being discussed that afternoon was Pinhole Challenge to The Established Photography Practice. It sounds serious enough. But believe me, the atmosphere was very informal: the coffees and the comradeship (camaraderie?) were not less important that what was being talked about.

Coffees, so it seemed, were the source of good friendship and ideas. A good flow of one is a good flow of the other.


  1. These two photos make me want to see the rest of the two men. It does seem like a pleasant get-together, the way you describe the meeting.

  2. Will be in bandung from 24th to 27th March...wonder if can join you guys for photo outing?

  3. I love Kedai Kopi Mata Angin.. the place is hommy.. :)

  4. I love having kopi from brand'kapal api'.I prefer black no milk..
    Most local people here prefer kopi tangkat ali.

  5. I hope I belong to a group like that. Cool shots.

  6. it's gr8 when photo enthusiasts get together and talk just about anything.
    i hope i'd get the chance to take a break and join a group like that. ^0^

  7. Sounds like a great reason to get together for coffee! Hubby does something similar, but it's a class and they've gotten together for years...


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.