About Bandung

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Leather Jacket Repair

Your leather jacket is torn or worn out and need repainting or rewaxing?

No need to worry. In Bandung, you can have it repaired and reconditioned in a road-side kiosk like this one at Ciroyom area. For a relatively small fee, you can have your leather jacket stitched, repainted, or rewaxed.


  1. Interesting. I never realized leather jackets need such care.

    You caught a great picture, Eki.

    I'd love to have that little Suzuki.

  2. I've got a leather coat and a leather bag which both need some work....

  3. Fantastic !!!
    It is great they have shops for everything :)

  4. this is very cool. now one doesn't have to toss out a very expensive jacket.


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