About Bandung

Monday, June 20, 2011

"Kukuyaan" at Cikapundung

If you are not Sundanese, chances are you won't have any idea what 'kukuyaan' means.

'Kukuyaan' is derived from a Sundanese word 'kuya' which means 'turtle'. Hence, 'kukuyaan' means playing turtle. Of course it's not a real turtle that's being played. It's just the name that the Sundanese gives to playing inner tube in the water.

The mass and national record-breaking 'kukuyaan' in these pictures was held last Sunday (19/6/2011) at Cikapundung river as part of the campaign to clean up the river.

Photos were taken by Sudarmanto Edris, a local photographer, and were used with his permission. Thanks Pak Sudarmanto.


  1. How impressive a sight. Hope everything went safely.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

  2. What a great idear to clean up the river !!!!

  3. How interesting... and very colourful, too!

  4. Oh my gosh, that's a lot of people and inner tubes in one place!


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