About Bandung

Friday, February 24, 2012

Braving The Street

With the sidewalk packed with street vendors, pedestrians on Jalan Purnawarman (Purnawarman Street) are forced to brave the street and the traffic to get their way. This scene is not uncommon in commercial streets in Bandung. In fact, the sidewalks and pedestrian safety do not seem to be the priority in the city's government development policy. Many sidewalks are either too small/narrow, in disrepair, or have become dysfunctional because they have been invaded by street vendors or used as illegal parking space.

I wish the city's government would soon do something about it and make pedestrian safety a priority. A walkable city would definitely be beneficial to the tourism industry that the city is trying to boost.


  1. Itu akibat "cuek"nya pemda hingga menjamurnya kaki lima mengambil alih trotoar, sekarang malah jatah pejalan kaki dipakai utk pengguna motor dan sepeda seperti di Dago. Orang di luar (melalui VH1 tv channel) malah gencar mengkampanyekan "Love pedestrians!"

  2. This post could be just as well describing the situation around our big market.
    Good luck.


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