About Bandung

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Stairway to Curug Cimahi

I didn't post yesterday because I was too tired, fell asleep, and when I woke up it was already today. But here's the next picture in the Curug Cimahi (Cimahi Waterfall) series.

As I said in the previous post, we have to go down a few hundred meters from the gate through the forest to get to the waterfall. This is part of the stairway that leads to Curug Cimahi. It was very cloudy and about to rain when I got there, so the picture looks a bit flat.

Going down was quite easy and refreshing. Going back and up was quite an effort, but quite energizing I must say. You have to be quite fit physically to visit this place.

Anak tangga menuju Curug Cimahi. Rerimbunan pepohonan dan semak dan pemandangan di kiri kanan anak tangga ini sangat menyegarkan. Perjalanan turun cukup mudah, namun untuk kembali ke atas, diperlukan diperlukan kebugaran tubuh yang cukup baik.

1 comment:

  1. The surrounding greenery looks refreshing. Nice place to be.


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