About Bandung

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wewed Masks

Some of the mask collection exhibited by Wewed, an Indramayu-based mask artisan that specializes in crafting local traditional masks, at Gunungan International Mask & Puppet Festival held recently at Kotabaru Parahyangan in the west of Bandung.

This year's Gunungan International Mask & Puppets Festival is the second of what is planned to be a regular annual event that celebrates Indonesia's rich and diverse wayang (puppet) and mask traditions in the context of similar traditions worldwide.

Sebagian koleksi Topeng Wewed yang dipamerkan dalam Festival Topeng dan Wayang Internasional Gunungan di Kotabaru Parahyangan, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, baru-baru ini. Wewed adalah seorang seniman topeng yang berasal dari Indramayu, Jawa Barat.

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