About Bandung

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Geological Fact Walk And Interactive Multimedia Exhibits at Bandung Museum of Geology

Bandung Museum of Geology does not only collect, catalogue, and exhibit fossils and other geological artifacts. Since the completion of its renovation in August 2000, the museum has also set up modern, interactive and multimedia exhibits in the whole second floor where visitors can interactively explore, experience, and learn different aspects of geology, particularly about those that are most relevant to them. On the floor of this part of the museum they can also find factual sltickers like these that let them learn some important geological facts while they are walking about the room.

Museum Geologi Bandung sekarang juga telah dilengkapi dengan ruang pamer multimedia modern yang terletak di lantai dua. Di sini pengunjung dapat menjelajah, mengalami, dan belajar hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan geologi secara interaktif. Pada lantai ruang pamer ini mereka juga bisa menemukan stiker-stiker yang berisi tentang fakta-fakta geologis yang penting diketahui, sehingga sambil berjalan-jalan mereka juga bisa menambah pengetahuan mereka.

1 comment:

  1. museums are integral part of the community. i hope kids take advantage of this museum.


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