About Bandung

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bandung Senior Citizens Park (Taman Lansia)

Under the direction of our newly-elected mayor, Mr. Ridwan Kamil, Bandung is currently undertaking some bold revitalization projects to revive and improve the city's deteriorating public infrastructure. One such programs is the revitalization and thematisation of the existing public parks and the creation of new parks in desolate and squalid areas.

Under this program, public parks are revitalized and given themes, and their management given to community groups relevant to the themes.

Pictured above is the LANSIA Park. Lansia stands for lanjut usia (senior citizens). Located near the West Java gubernatorial office mansions Gedung Sate, the Lansia Park is an existing park that has just undergone a makeover. As the name indicates, the park is dedicated to the city's senior citizens. However, as a public park it's open for everyone, young and old alike.

Today's photo is contributed by Agus Wahyudi, a photographer friend of mine and frequent contributor of Bandung Daily Photo.

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