About Bandung

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bandung's New Angkot Design

Under the leadership of our new mayor, Ridwan Kamil, one of Indonesia's most prominent architects and city planners, Bandung has got a new hope and gradual facelift. Among the things he recently introduced is this: the new design for its ubiquitous and 'notorious' Angkot.

Instead of the plain colors designating the angkot's routes, the new design puts images of Bandung's most cherished heritage and attractions, and writing that says "Bandung, City of World Tourism" in Indonesian (Roman alphabets) and Sundanese alphabets.

This new design is part of the campaign to strengthen the citizen's awareness of the city's heritage and image so that they will be more active in taking part in keeping their city's cleanliness and beauty.

These photographs were taken by Agus Wahyudi, a photographer friend of mine and frequent contributor of Bandung Daily Photo. Thanks, Pak Agus.

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