About Bandung

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bandung Braga Festival: Rope Walker

The rainy season has set in. It's been either cloudy or rainy the past few days. I haven't been able to take outdoors photographs for a few days now. So, today's photo is not exactly a recently taken photo.

I took this photo at The Braga Festival last year.

Braga Fest is one of Bandung's many annual cultural events and festivals. It is usually held towards the end of the year. Last year it was held from December 29 through 31. I have yet to find out the exact dates for this year's event.


  1. That's a mighty big pole he's using - could put one end on the ground and vault off the wire.
    The watchers sem happy, enthralled even.
    Don't worry about old shots - we all use them.

  2. I have the same seasonal weather problem for outdoor shots. My indoor business shots due to exclsivity can't use for the blog. I love this shot, the movement of the subject and the onlookers.Again had bo be a mono shot.

  3. Whoa! that looks dangerous! Did he fall?

  4. Those two on the left are such amazing figures! It must be an enjoyable festival.

  5. That is the fattest pole I have ever seen a rope walker use! The acrobats on stilts look interesting too — I almost didn't see them, I thought they were pillars. Love how you caught the people watching!

  6. Hi Eki, may I know what the man was doing? Kinda dangerous... and exciting. =)

  7. What an awesome perspective of the rope walker! And love the extra background textures of many people watching! Great in monochrome!

  8. Wow! That looked really fun yet dangerous!

  9. very interesting cultural events. but yes the rainy season limits the photographers chance to feature beautiful sites and stunning cultural presentations.

  10. Excellent angle for this shot! I like the ladies on the left too! They are on stilts? I have to go look again!

  11. great street shot, always my favorites on your blog!!

  12. Wow..that is impressive. And you must be frustrated about the weather Eki and not being able to take photos.


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