About Bandung

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bandung Street Documentary: The Largest "Bedroom" in The World!

So, you have bought the most expensive and comfortable matress the market has to offer, taken the sleep-help pills, and still have a problem having a good night sleep?

Not for this boy!

He may have the smallest "matress" in the world, but he has the largest and the most comfortable "bedroom" you can ever imagine. So, sleep tight and have a nice dream!

This Bandung Street Documentary photo series is brought to you by Bandung Daily Photo!


  1. Great shot! Poor guy, he must have had a tough day!

  2. I hope he has a good chiropractor!


  3. This is marvelous! I must say the man has incredible balance. If it was me, I would have fallen flat on the street (still snoring probably!).

  4. How is that possible???? maybe there will be hope for me on the long flight to Paris!

    forgive me for not visiting the last few days. Not to worry I am all caught up reading what I missed and admiring your photos.

  5. That really doesnt look comfortable! Great shot though

  6. Hahah fantastic, you got this very interesting shot!

  7. Really nice picture. Not sure about him, but most will have a sore back sleeping like that the whole night!

  8. Great shot and lot's of information from your blog.
    Have a nice day.

  9. This made me smile! He must be really, really tired! Poor boy…

  10. I'm impressed that he could sleep that way. My husband can sleep anywhere too. And what a lovely thought that he has has all of the outside as his bedroom....

  11. I'll never complain about not sleeping again! This is a fabulous shot!

  12. Another spectacular street shot, Eki. You are the master at capturing great candid images like these!

  13. I thought I could fall asleep anywhere. I was wrong. I couldn't sleep this way! How does he not fall off the bike? : )

  14. Oh, wow. That's so uncomfortable!

  15. LOL! It's a great balancing work, what's more when he's asleep?! Amazing.

  16. boy he must be tired to sleep like that... :-)

  17. Wow! Was he really sleeping? :-)

  18. Did the guy realize when you took his photo???


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