About Bandung

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bandung Emerging Creative City

Bandung may not be perfect as a city. Despite its many flaws, however, it is a vibrant and lovable city; and one of the many things that its residents as well as visitors love about it is its creative atmosphere.

Bandung is home to some of Indonesia's top art and design schools, e.g. Bandung Institute of Technology's School of Art and Design, STSI (Indonesia's Academy of Art), to name but a few. Many of Indoesia's top artists, actors, actresses, and singers and music groups are also from this city. In addition to this, Bandung is also considered by many as Indonesia's fashion capital and trend-setter. What happens in this city in the ways of art, culture, design, fashion, and lifestyle is fast spreading to other parts of Indonesia and beyond.

As a recognition for its contribution to Indonesia's and the region's development of creative industry, Bandung was recently named as one of the two pilot project cities for the development of creative-industry-based economy in East Asia by an international conference of cities with creative-industry economy. This sculpture on the junction of Jalan Dipati Ukur (Dipati Ukur Street) and Jalan Ir. H. Juanda at Dago is one of the markers installed throughout the city to celebrate Bandung as an emerging creative city.


  1. Like that runner, it sounds like Bandung is off and running.
    Great! And I love your pride in your city.

  2. That's an amazing sculpture! At 1st I tought it could be a living statue... :-)

  3. Thought it was a living statue! As we see sometimes in our streets.
    Good illustration for your post.

  4. I thought that was a person for a moment..LOL...It is an interesting statue and modern looking too.

    New Rambling Woods Site

  5. Congrats to Bandung for receiving a recognition and for its inclusion in the pilot project.

  6. I think everything could be happened in Bandung...creativity, inspiration, and innovation are apart of Bandung's life...foods are one of the examples; I never find city as Bandung that serves so many kinds of unique foods and its taste except Bandung.

  7. i really appreciate places like this. your country shows how it values the creative people.

  8. This is beautiful, Eki.

    I hope all of your loved ones are safe and well. I've been reading about the earthquake and my thoughts are with Indonesia. I am relieved the tsunami warning was lifted. Stay safe, my friend.

  9. This good be the top reason why I should be going to Bandung. Bandung, Oh Bandung.We have here what we call 'Air Bandung'i.e. rose syrup mixed with milk and served in iced water. I wonder whether it was created first in Bandung?


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.