About Bandung

Monday, November 17, 2008

Street Photography # 7: Courage and Determination

A junior high school student braving the rain and traffic on his bicycle on his way home from school. What's more inspirational than the courage and determination he shows?

A fresh from the oven (camera) photo, taken this afternoon on the street of Bandung.

This photo is my participation for the Monochrome Maniacs meme. Please click the link to see other participants' wonderful black and white photography.


  1. At least he is going in the right direction. A brave shot also.

  2. Yep, you see that boy and describe him like the real teacher you are.

  3. Fresh from the oven! 8^D

    Our traffic laws allow for bikes to be part of the general traffic flow too, with the responsibility to obey the same regulations, but I'm not brave enough for that yet.

  4. Beautiful shot. I'm not familiary with your geographical location, but are you near that earthquake that struck over the weekend? I hope you are safe.

  5. that is determination! Would he have that much getting to school? hahaha, I'm sure he would. Not participating just checking it out.

  6. Our children are always determinated in this direction : Home from school. On the opposite direction, home to school, it's less obvious!
    For some children it's a privilege, others concider going to school as an obligation.
    Great Black and white picture. The speed, rush, traffic all is perceptible in your picture.

  7. Perhap government consider special lane for cyclist.Oh ya!!!scarecrow is orang-orangan in Malay.
    Have a nice day.

  8. Hem...maybe that boy wants to campaign "Stop Global Warming!!!" just like a community: "Bike to work" in Jakarta...I think "Bike to school" sounds interesting...;)

  9. Puts a different spin on trying to get home in the rain. It's snowing here Eki...pretty...but not ready for the cold that comes with it..Thank you for supporting my new blog site..Michelle.

    New Rambling Woods Site

  10. Oh, yes...
    Very motivational picture.

  11. I couldn't agree more with your sentiments.You can feel this swiftness of the passing child. Beautifully taken.

  12. Really well done! I love the determination!

  13. like the shot...
    thanks for sharing.
    have a good week.

  14. i hope that nothing happened to him. it's quite dangerous to drive when it's raining.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.