About Bandung

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bandung Suburbs # 1: Waiting for The Train

Yes, Bandung is a modern city with a lot of amenities you can find in many other cities of its size. But, a lot of its suburbs and countryside are still rural, and some of them are still even contrastively underdeveloped.

Bandung and its suburbs and beyond are connected by different modes of transportation. But the favorite among them is still the train. It's cheap and has a lot of space for ... well, almost anything, like this bicycle and big bags full of farm produce. The level of comfort on this kind of train is of course not for everyone. But if you are adventurous enough and want to experience what it feels like to travel back in time, you may want to try it.


  1. I love traveling by train. This is another beautiful street shot that really freezes a candid moment in time. You really excel at this kind of photography, Eki! Wonderful shot.

  2. What diversity you have! I can only imagine the images you might photograph on the train - provided there is room!

  3. An interesting experience for meeting people.
    You've done a wonderful genuine picture.

  4. We don't have train here in Kuching and our main public transport is buses which is need to be improved(most buses non aircond).
    Have a nice day.

  5. Hello Eki! Great shot. Good idea of shooting the bike instead of its owner! Immagination can run freely about what's going on.

  6. Speaking of trains, I once took the morning train frm Jakarta to Bandung. I couldn't sleep during the almost three-hour journey. All because I didn't want to miss the spectacular view along the way. It was really worth the trip!

  7. Apart form the little toruist train we don't have rail support - no need, to small. Bicycles and photography go hand in hand, always conjours up many stories.

  8. I've seen one of those trains on AXN. The Amazing Race Asia participants had to travel on a similar type of train and they're full of items. ;)

  9. Bandung still gives so many lessons from its story and people's life...

  10. You can take your bike on the train? Wonderful photo Eki. I prefer train travel to plane travel...

    New Rambling Woods Site

  11. I want to go for a train ride - it's been at least since the early '60's. Tks for the peek into daily life in Bandung, a city which dwarfs our little town of 3000 people.


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.