About Bandung

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bandung Street Documentary # 8: Responsible Street Behavior

Can cell phones kill?

Yes they can, do, and have killed many. According to the results of a recent study published in the Journal of Human Factors and The Ergonomic Society, cell phone distraction on the road, i.e. talking on cell phones while driving, causes approximately 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. The reasons, as found by the study, are actually quite obvious: Talking on cell phones while driving slows the driver's reactions and retards their alertness. It was found, for example, that cell phone use while driving makes the driver's reaction to brake light 18 percent slower.

One might argue that with the hands-free device, such a thing does not necessarily to be the case. However, two studies at least have found that hands-free cell phone use still do distract drivers. The reason is that the cell phone conversation makes the driver absent minded (they look but don't see).

There have not been any similar studies in Bandung - or in Indonesia for that matter - about how dangerous it is to use the cell phones while driving, let alone riding a motorbike. Referring to the above studies, however, it makes a lot of sense that such a street act is indeed very risky. Unfortunately, I have seen more and more drivers and even motor bike riders doing it here. In that regard, this guy on the photo, I think, deserves a thumb up.

I took this photo a couple of days ago on a Bandung street. I was walking from a bank to a service station when I saw this guy stopped his motor bike to pick up his cell phone and received a call just a few meters in front of me. I was very lucky that I had my pocket digital camera with me when this happened - and so, voila, another street photography photo op caputured.


  1. Wise decision! How could he drive a 2 passengers-motor-bike with one hand?
    Eki, you think about us at every moment!
    I'm watching to things differently too, wondering if I could publish what I see, so often! Maybe too often : )

  2. I have seen one driving a bike talking to a cell phone. I can't remember which country, but it's in Asia.

    This is a very dangerous activity.

  3. It is always good to see folks pull over and stop their vehicle to make cell phone calls.

  4. I've also seen bike riders talking while riding on the street here in Kuala Lumpur! Stopping the bike away from the traffic may be safer then just stop inches away from cars zooming by, though.

    Calls can wait...

  5. Greta blog. Very cool photography my friend !

  6. It's illegal in NY state to talk on a cell phone while driving. Now they want to outlaw texting on a cell phone as that has recently caused a number of bad crashes with fatalities. I am surprised that anyone could hold a cell phone and drive a motorbike. Don't you need both hands?

    New Rambling Woods Site

  7. It's illegal in NY state to talk on a cell phone while driving. Now they want to outlaw texting on a cell phone as that has recently caused a number of bad crashes with fatalities. I am surprised that anyone could hold a cell phone and drive a motorbike. Don't you need both hands?

    New Rambling Woods Site

  8. I learn my lesson, i was once fine by traffic police for making call while driving and cost me Rm100.
    Go to my oldest post'believe it or not'cell phone can explode.
    Have a nice day.

  9. Dear Aa, two thumbs up for this guy! hope everybody learn a good lesson today for your posting!

    In Middle East, most people do this mistake and have causeed a high numbers of victims and high traffic accident level. Being a new driver or a passenger here is like having a roller coaster trip. City life seems make people in rush and hurry and forgetting the basic safety rule on road.

  10. Cell phones are a plague! Here it is strictly prohibited to use them while driving.
    Nice documentary photo!

  11. Very commendable. I applaud the motorist for stopping his bike while answering the call.

  12. i agree. great timing! I almost had this kind of photo too. but in my case the motorcycle driver was texting while riding the bike. can you imagine how crazy that was? tsk tsk

    lovely candid shot too!

  13. before it's just "dont drink and drive" now it's "dont text or call and drive". LOL.


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