About Bandung

Monday, November 24, 2008

City of People # 18: Street Cleaner

Who keeps Bandung streets clean?


  1. I think she's doing her job very well. The street looks pretty clean and spotless.

    Very nice capture.

  2. I dont think I would want that job, The street does look very clean she definately takes pride in her work.

  3. I like the intent look on her face. She takes her job seriously. Very nice.

  4. Bandung's citizens, by their civic mind ? No, I'm wrong ? Isn't it that way in every country ? Just kidding.

  5. You can tell a lot about a places attitude by it's clenliness of the streets. I have often noticed yours seem so well maintained for auch a busy area. Now I see why. It is so refreshing to see someone's image who has not been airbrushed or tweeked to perfection, but so human.

  6. At least someone is hired to keep things clean..I don't know that anyone does that here..

    New Rambling Woods Site

  7. i think she is the truly city heroes.

  8. they might have an ordinary job yet making the city clean is as important as any other profession. nice shot!

  9. The spontaneity and color here. It is a wonderful capture, Eki -- as are all of your beautiful street shots.

    I really love this one.

  10. well..i like bandung..

  11. Hard works..isn't it.She definately take a credit in her works.
    Have a nice day.

  12. Great capture. I love pictures of ordinary working people.

  13. The work of Ms seems difficult. Easy To Him so that it may go well. You and greetings to everyone.

  14. She can be a Filipina street sweeper in Metro Manila! :)

    Some of the unsung heroes of our cities, without whom life for the rest of us would be much more unpleasant. Great post, Eki! Thank you.

  15. She's not the only one keeps the street clean.
    I believe there is someone somewhere who cares about his or her city is picking up the trash and throwing it into the basket

  16. That is an excellent tribute to those who usually remain "invisible". Thanks to their work many of our surroundings are well-kept.
    Thanks for sharing this, Eki!!

  17. Were would we be without them? Perhaps knee-high in filth.

  18. Enjoyed looking at your blog, and your culture. Thanks

  19. I always like street scenes! Great shot! But did the lady give you a killer glare when you shot her photo?

    I daren't approach the people on the street coz I have had some nasty experience, where astreet artist threw a brush at me and chased me away. But that happened elsewhere, not in my country.

    However, since that incident, I have been very careful of snapping photos of people on the street. Usually I will seek their permissions if I am really intrigued with taking their photos. But of course, that means they won't be in their natural look, it would be more like they pose for my shots.

  20. The idea of her dressed in full uniform makes the job respectable. Salute to all the street sweepers who pride in cleaning the city.

  21. I like this one! what does she carry in her right hand?

  22. Great street portrait EKI. we need these people so very much. they need more than we give them for the job they do.


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