About Bandung

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jajangkungan: The Tallest Kids in The World (?)

A three meter tall human being would certainly break the record of the tallest person in the world. (The confirmed world record for the tallest person in the world, according to the Guiness Book of Record, is 2.72 meter tall, and is held by Robert Pershing Wadlow [1918-1940] of Alton, Illinois.)

These boys are slightly more than 3 meters tall, but no they are not the tallest persons in the world. They walk on stilts (Indonesian: "egrang") and are part of the "jajangkungan" performing art troupe. They don't just walk on stilts, but also play football (soccer), dance, and even race on them.

"Jajangkungan" by the way is originally a Sundanese (West Javanese people) traditional chidren game.

I took this photo at 2006 Braga Festival. As I said before, Braga Festival is one of the many annual festivals held in Bandung. It's held at the last week of December.

This post is my participation for MY WORLD meme. To see pictures from other participants around the world, please follow the link.


  1. Bandung area is an artistic center!
    No doubt they're tall, but the angle you chose intensify the impression. Your world is, as always, surprising.

  2. I'd surely fall off. Hope you share more of the Braga Festival from this year. Nice capture.

  3. A Wonderful photo. Congratulations You can i. Greetings.

  4. What a great photo! You've done it very well!

  5. That is very, very tall and also very colorful

  6. Oh...They can play football? Wow... The height thing would bother me. That and my total lack of coordination and balance..LOL..

  7. hehehe.. i too have seen it here in the philippines. i think it requires a lot of balancing expertise. should i try it one day? maybe!

  8. Very nice! I got dizzy imagining what it would feel playing sports on stilts!

  9. I've made a note on my calendar abt Braga Festival. Hopefully I'd be free that time. Thanks for the info!


  10. Your photos continue to generate so much interest showing The Nabdung daily life. I like it very much!! Greetings from Arona!

  11. I've always marveled at 'stick walkers'. You really need good balance to walk like that.

  12. Beautiful traditions.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.