About Bandung

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rose Sky Over The Pentagon

This dilapidated building, now fenced off and slotted for demolition, is called The Pentagon because of its shape: It has five sides and five angles. It used to be the home of The Faculty of Language and Art Education of the Indonesia University of Education (Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Bandung. I used to study here, so I have a lot of memories about this building.

This photo is part of the series of photos I took last Friday (see my Skywatch Friday Post of 28 November). I took about 80 shots in about an hour before the sunset, following the change of colors of the sky of that magnificent late afternoon. This is an unedited, un-retouched photo. The colors and everything in it are as taken and recorded by my faithful 3.2 megapixel pocket digital camera.


  1. Great framing and colours! I love this photo.

  2. oh this is so gorgeous. I am in awe that you capture such wonderful shots with that camera !!! Great photographs Eki! Thank you too for visiting my new blog. I can't feasibly write much on the new blog and will have to let the photos speak for themselves, but you probably can guess that I will have to pipe in from time to time. I am a talker and Peter can testify to that after spending the better part of a week with me in Paris! HA

  3. Yupz...for two or three recent days Bandung was colored by rose sky in the afternoon, a beautiful sunset usually called "lembayung". Natural shoot I think.

  4. Amazing colors...I like the orangy, rusty colors...

  5. Beautiful sky!

    I think that building has same shape to each direction.

  6. What awesome color!! Love this one!

  7. These colors are incredible! Maybe, I'm not enough attentive around me, but I haven't taken any picture with such colors where I live.

    Thanks to share, Eki.

  8. beautiful shot! look at the colors of the sky!

  9. They are some amazing colours. Very foreboding...reminds me of winter sunsets in Tasmania. Any nearby fires or smoke haze?

  10. Two strange colors together.
    Aw, that's kind of sad they will tear down the building where you spent some good years.

    Eki, thanks for taking precious time to comment. I finally found a good answer to your good question (a long time ago, sorry) about the Jewish attitude to cruelty to animals. Please, next time you visit, see again my today's post about Lara the cat. Thank you.

  11. A very good shot of 'the other' Pentagon. Love the colors!

  12. Subhanallah
    I love this photo
    So amazing


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.