About Bandung

Monday, December 1, 2008

CDPB Theme Day and Monochrome Maniacs: Sepeda Onthel

This month's City Daily Photo Blog (CDBP) theme is "circles or spheres," and this is my interpretation of it.

"Sepeda onthel" or old bicycles have their own aficionados and they are on the increase. There are quite a number of old bicycle clubs in Bandung. They often have convoys, tours, or exhibition rides around the city and the countrysides. The owners of these old bicycles love them very much and are very proud of them.

I took this picture at Jalan Braga (street) in one of the exhibition rides they had recently.

This post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation for this month's CDPB theme. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

This post is also Bandung Daily Photo's participation in the weekly meme "Monochrome Maniacs".


  1. I love bicycles too despite my passion for motorbikes. Wonderful machines.
    This pic certainly meets the challenge.

  2. I'm ok with Aileni perfect subject.

    The Doc Martens are so unusual to ride a bike! It's funny.

    I love this picture.

  3. Excellent monochrome, and good for the circles theme, too.

  4. Nice shot for Monochrome Monday and the other meme. :D

  5. It's too dangerous to cycle in Melaka but I can certainly appreciate the value in the old bicycles.

  6. Nice focus on the wheels,boots and shorts.

  7. Eki tomorrow I have wheels of another sort. Like thiis one very very much!

  8. I used to love to ride with my husband. He had a chair on his bike to carry my daughter when she was young. Wonderful memories..thank you for reminding me of them even though it wasn't your original intent of the photo..or maybe that really is what a photo is supposed to do. Evoke feelings...Hmm...

  9. If I happen to see people rode on old style bicycles it was nostalgic to me..yes, always remind us of child day even I still remember my late father use this type of bicycle bring me to school.Thanks for sharing and also Thanks viewing on my blog.
    Have nice day.

  10. bicycles is becoming more popular everywhere. maybe because of the environmental recommendations.

  11. So in keeping with both themes and your own street scenes. Excellent.

  12. Stunning street shot in mono, Eki. I love the composition here, and a bicycle is one of my favorite subjects. Bravo!


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