About Bandung

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bandung's December Golden Sunset

Many times this month we had a golden sunset like this in Bandung.

This is a straight photo: except for resizing and watermarking, I did not do any editing on the color on my photo ediditing software.

The object on the bottom left corner of the photo is UNISBA (Bandung Islamic University) water tower. UNISBA is one of the most prominent private universities in Bandung. Its campus is located on Jalan (Street) Tamansari. I took this photo from Jalan Tamansari Bawah (lower Tamansari Street) at about 6 PM last week.

This post is BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO's participation in this week Skywatch Friday meme. To see other photos of the sky from many other parts of the world, please follow the link.


  1. Wow!!!Amazing golden blaze of sunset.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. It´s really golden and I love that.

  3. Take a deep bow on this one. It's outstanding. The tower is perfectly place and I wish I had thought of it. One of your best, Eki, and that's saying a lot. Very well done and the color is amazing!

  4. fantastic shot...love the colors and the cloud formation...beautiful.
    happy holidays.

  5. Stunning photo! Just love the colour and framing!

  6. Oh wow, what a beautiful sunset. Isn't it amazing what the sun can do to the sky?! Very nice capture. I'm looking at the sky here.

  7. As I always say nature provides us the most beautiful images for us to capture.

  8. Your golden skies are enviable, Eki. Glorious!

  9. How can you make the sky look so beautiful?

  10. Wow Eki..what dramatic oranges..like it is on fire..wonderful..

  11. I love it, Eki! Never seen such a Sky here.
    I send you my sincere best wishes for the new year, Eki. I didn't know if you celebrated Christmas, so I didn't dare to wish you a Merry Christmas. Excuse me.

  12. Awesome! And I don't use that word very often.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.