About Bandung

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Braga Fest Images 02: Capoeira

Braga Fest 2008 starts tomorrow. This Braga Fest Images series contains photos that I took from the 2006 and 2007 Braga Fest.

Braga Fest does not only feature traditional Sundanese and Indonesian art performances. It also features international art performances like Capoeira.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines martial art, dance, and games. The origin of capoeira is still debated. Some believe that it originated from Africa and was brought to Brazil by the African slaves. Others believe that it is a uniquely Brazilian art form that emerged from (or combined) various elements of Brazilian multicultural heritage. Whatever its origin is, it is a very dynamic dance and a very exciting performance to watch.

These Capoeira performers, by the way, are not Brazilians. They are members of a local Capoeira group based in Bandung.


  1. That is interesting and those men look like they are very physically fit...

  2. Your Braga Fest sounds so exciting! I hope you get to see many of the performances and exhibits. Enjoy yourself, Eki!

  3. The movements are well captured.Hope to see more performing arts shots in your coming posts.

  4. i actually want to learn baraga. but maybe when im thinner. hehehe...

  5. Capoeira has always a lot of success. Very impressive manifestation. Brings a lot of watchers here too.

  6. The Braga Fest sounds fasinating , I love the photos!!

  7. umm..

    i missed the Braga Fest, unfortunately..

    thank you for sharing, sir...


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