About Bandung

Saturday, December 20, 2008

City of People # 21: Music Students

I was heading to one of the university's canteens for lunch last Thursday when I saw this group of young men performing beautiful music and songs in front of one of the eating places. No, they are not ordinary street musicians, at least not in the ordinary sense of those performing on the streets for tips. These young men are the students of the Music and Performing Arts Department of the Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Bandung.

I don't know if their "street" performance was part of a course they were taking. The music and songs they performed were very fine and tasteful though. They performed a couple of jazz tunes and a popular Indonesian song before they left for another eating place on campus.

As I said in at least one of my previous posts, Bandung is home to quite a few top Art and Perfoming Art schools in the country. The Music and Performing Art Department of the Indonesia University of Education (UPI) is one of them.


  1. Hm, back in High School, music students are required to perform in front of the school assembly for feedback. Needless to say, it was hilarious!

  2. Beautiful shot again, E. If you ever publish a book of your street photographs, I'll be first in line! I love the way you always capture the joy and life of the people you live among. These photos always make me smile.

  3. Nice capture! Shame photos have no sound... yet! :-)

  4. I agree with Laurie by the way those guys are talented and perhap will become popular in future.

  5. Bandung strikes me as such as diverse place which your images alawys manage to convey. I do miss street music here.

  6. one thing i noticed about your country. there's a lot of people in the street singing, playing around, entertaining people. looks like a very lively city.

  7. Such fun! You really captured their joy in doing something they truly love.

  8. i always love music performance
    i love singing too
    maybe someday you can take my picture when i'm singing


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.