About Bandung

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Flying Fox

This thing is called flying fox here. According to Wikipedia, the term is of Australian and New Zealandian origin. In the United States it's called zip-lines, and in the UK it's aerial runways.

Flying fox is getting very popular here. Many recreational places and camping grounds have this equipment now. This one is at Vin's Berry, a berry farm and camping ground on Kolonel Masturi Street, in the north of Bandung, where my son had an outbound camp with his school friends yesterday and today. My son loved it very much and wanted to repeat it again and again. As for me, I just watched and photographed the children doing this.


  1. Interesting names for it..it doesn't appeal to me though..Too scary..

  2. Oh cool, a zip-line! Where I volunteered in Arkansas (Heifer Ranch of Heifer International, www.heifer.org) we had a R.O.P.E.S. or Challenge Course. All kinds of obstacles on and between VERY tall poles. Can you believe I jumped off the platform and sped down the zip-line TWO different times (with my graying hairs tucked into the helmet)?
    The course is great for team-building and confidence-raising. And fun!
    Did your son love the outbound camp?

  3. I did this once on a trip to Costa Rica. It was scary but I made it all the way through. I don't think I'll ever do it again. Once was enough.

  4. Flying Fox is one of the X-games here,like you said we only see this at outbound camp and in Malaysia we have Khidmat Negara and flying fox is one of the physical module for them.

  5. It's called flying fox here too. I've tried it and loved it! We had to climb up a huge tree and the line ended on the beach. The distance wasn't very great so it was pretty steep — and fast! It was exhilarating and I'd do it again if I have the chance.

  6. Interesting!
    I'd like to try it.

  7. In Bandung, there are so many places that serves outbond fields for people who like challenge and flying fox is one of them. I also like that challenge...just make my heart beats up.


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