About Bandung

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Anti-smoking Campaign

Despite warnings of smoking hazards on every cigarette package, many smokers do not seem to be deterred from their deadly habit. Perhaps it's because the verbal warnings cannot generate enough graphic description of the horrors of the hazards. A more graphic anti-smoking campaign like this will probably be more effective.

In this poster, underneath the photos of a healthy lung and a dark and nearly "melting" emphysemic lung is written: "Smoking Causes Lung Cancer". This poster is published by the Center for the Promotion of Health of the Indonesian Department of Health as part of a more intensive campaign to curb the increase of the number of smokers among Indonesian youths.


  1. That's a scary picture but I doubt if it deters hard core smokers. I didnt know Indonesians spell them as Kanker..over here its kanser...Hope you are having a good day.

  2. I used gave up years ago. This is such a scary image. I hope it works on some at least.

  3. That's picture..luckly I'm not a smoker.

  4. As a young man I never picked up the habit because I had a traumatic experience when I saw my father fall flat and fainted on the mud while we were building the house.He attributed his fainting to smoking and since then he never light a cigarette. As for me I took his words to belief. That was when I was fifteen years old.

  5. My Mother won't quiet even though she has lung disease..it's a shame..

  6. Coincidentally in Malaysia, the Health Ministry is also using similar concept for its Non-Smoking Campaign. The newspaper advertisements show lung or mouth of cancer patients. It's a scary reminder for smokers!

    Hope the campaign works to bring down the no. of smokers.

    Happy weekend to you, Eki!

  7. true! i dont know what makes smoking that addictive.

  8. Wow...it seems bad...poorly my father is still smoking now, and he really scares if I catch him smoking. I hope someday he will be aware of it sir...


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