About Bandung

Friday, February 13, 2009

Skywatch Friday Post: Bandung Western Mountain Range

The mountain silhouettes in the picture are the Padalarang-Rajamandala mountain range in the west of Bandung.

Please visit other Friday Skywatchers here.


  1. Oh my, my, my Eki. this is just lovely. Thank you for this peaceful image my friend.

  2. Very beautiful photo....great sky...love the sun shining through in some places...very pretty...

  3. There is something somewhat haunting about the sky Eki..or maybe it's my mood today after we had a plane crash here in Buffalo NY...Michelle

  4. This is good silhouettes images.Thanks for sharing and have a wonderfull weekend.

  5. Gorgeous stirring image. The colours are very unusual almost metallic.

  6. This is so very beautiful!

    Your header shot is beautiful too!

  7. What is the most jagged ? Is the the superposition of the moutntains peaks ? Or the different textures and forms of the clouds ?
    Wonderfully done. Almost Monochrome.


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