About Bandung

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bandung Souvenir 02: Miniature Wayang Golek

These miniature "Wayang Golek" (Sundanese wooden puppets) are not real wooden puppets, but ball points housed in wayang golek wooden carvings - a petite version of larger carvings of souvenir wayang golek that I posted earlier here.


  1. Eki..You were correct on 'Tweety' bird's name. The funny thing is that I don't remember if it was a boy or a girl from the cartoons... These are really unique little pieces. I am learning so much about your culture and I think that many Americans could benefit from reading your blog....

  2. Love this shot and all the beautiful colors. I also like the depth you have with some clear and some slightly out of focus.

  3. It makes a wonderful picture. I love all these colors.
    Too bad that bringing one at home, will not make the same effect as all of them together. I would probably prefer your picture in a frame to look at.

  4. What a beatiful photo with all these colours!! Magnificent!

  5. Amazing capture...I'm glad to see how you promote Indonesia sir...it's just like an expression of Indonesians.

  6. I love the colors and perspective of this photo. Bravo.


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