About Bandung

Friday, February 6, 2009

Skywatch Friday: A Composition against the Sky

Unlike my other Skywatch Friday posts, where there's always a story behind the photo, today's photo is purely for my photographic interest. I took this photo at Braga Fest last December. It was getting dark as I was exploring the southern end of the street looking for interesting bits of the festival's events when I saw this warm light of the street lamp falling on the tent and against the bluish grey twilight sky. I took several shots, trying to get the best composition from different angles. Here is one of them.

Please follow this Skywatch Friday link to see other photos of the participating blogs.


  1. Really dramatic with the dusky grey sky and the vivi orange light.

  2. Yes, really nice photos. I'd like to congratulate you.

  3. Clever with the light..I haven't done mine yet....

  4. You succeeded in getting a very good angle!! The sky by itself would not be very interesting, and the streetlight is a streetlight, but combine them with the tent and the reflected light, and you have a masterpiece!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Havent seen too many night skys.

    I played today at http://myordinarythings.blogspot.com/2009/02/37365.html

  6. Wow!! This is gorgeous and creative! Well done :)

  7. I love your awesome sky view.
    Missouri, USA

  8. Very beautiful. Caught my eye immediately.

  9. this is BEAUTIFUL! I love the composition, well done!!!! I am going to be following your blog! ;0)

  10. It's a wonderful picture.
    At first sight, before reading, I thought it was a road to infinity.
    You've played once more with light and shadow. A great post.
    I love these pictures taken just for the beauty of the execution. Just like a work of art that watchers interpret according to their sensibility.

  11. And it's a lovely composition. Looks like you had dreary weather then though.

  12. hi sir, im just new in blogging and im still a student residing in butuan, i want to know more about blog, and im glad to meet one residing near in the premises i live, if you know some group of bloggers in butuan or if you are willing to offer any tutorial or teachings about blog or any other means that can make my blogging career bettter, please contact me in


    text me in 09212516554.

    I am willing to give services beneficial to your blog or any help to improve your blog in any way i can help. In short i am searching for a mentor in blogging. And for all who can read this comment who would be willing to be a mentor, please contact me. I am willing to give any services in return.

    Thank you, looking forward for your reply. God Bless

  13. There is a certain mellow feeling I get looking at the picture. It's expressive. Well done.

  14. This is a great shot, Eki! Just wonderful!

  15. It is really a beautiful shot, Eki!
    I came home from Australia last night and am looking forward to catching up on all my favorite bloggers. Sorry there was no time or opportunity for such pleasures while caring for my little grandsons.
    Your drums of today are lovely too. I'll go hear the video after putting the post-flight laundry in the machine. :)
    Shalom to you again!

  16. Very observant indeed! Usually for such photo, one usually has a sharp awareness!


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.