About Bandung

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bandung Countryside: The Grass Collector

I don't know if there is such a phrase as "grass collector". But this is what this man does. He havests and collects elephant grass that is especially grown for cattle from a nearby field and take it home to feed his cows.

There are a lot of small cow farms around Bandung, especially in the northern and southern parts of it. These cow farms are the main producer and suplier of milk for dairy product factories in the area.

According to the association of Indonesian Milk Cooperatives (GKSI), as of 2008 West Java produces an average of about 430,000 liters of milk per day, of which 110,000 of it comes from Bandung and its vicinities.


  1. Are those cows kept inside or do they have somewhere to graze also?

    At Heifer Ranch we learned that is called "cut and carry forage system."

  2. Very interesting! That looks to be a rather difficult thing to do - balance all that grass on a motorbike? Maybe dangerous?

  3. Food chain : green grass gives white milk.
    When we think it's maybe the ration for one day !

  4. Very interesting,thanks for sharing and have a nice day.

  5. That is so interesting..I guess you have to provide for your livestock in any way that you can...

  6. I remember you posted something similar some time ago, but the person was just walking with the bundle of grass. Looks like this guy at least has it a little easier.

  7. It's healthy food for the cows, I guess. No risk of mad cow disease.

  8. I like the intent look on the man's face =)


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