About Bandung

Friday, March 20, 2009

Skywatch Friday: The Twilight Zone and The Terminator

The Twilight Zone and Terminator are probably two of the most remembered movies from the the last century. The former, a popular TV serial, was originally produced and broadcast by CBS from 1959 to 1964. The later is a box office movie produced and released in 1984. Both films are of fiction, sci-fi genre and tell stories that relate to time-travel fantasies. But did you know that twilight zone and terminator are also different names for another imagined (fictive) thing?

Twilight zone (also called terminator) is the name of an imagined line that mark the border between the dark and light in a planetary body, such as that that can be imagined in our Earth's sunrise and sunset. As such, the twilight zone metaphorically also means the grey area.

My skywatch photo today is - as you can see - that of the twilight.

To see other participants' photos of The Skywatch Friday meme, please follow the link.


  1. The movie Terminator is one of my DVD collection.
    Nice photo !!! have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Beautiful skies, love the cloud formation.

  3. You learnt me something here.
    I'd like to find the twilight zone in people's mind : )
    I wish you a nice week-end , Eki.

  4. Beutiful sky, those clouds make nice pattern.

  5. Beautiful photo & interesting post! thanks for sharing!

  6. This is just lovely Eki. I love the pointed white tips of the roofs as well. What a great color the sky is.
    "Twilight Comes Twice" by Ralph Fletcher is one of my most favorite picture books.

  7. Beautiful rays cast on clouds.Have a nice weekend.

  8. Lovely light and dark in this photo. Hope your weekend is going well.

    TGIF - w00t! :)
    Tink *~*~*

    Now Playing at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
    Retail Therapy Skies Over Fort Myers, Florida

  9. Really?! Thanks for the new words to my vocabulary!
    Great sky picture.

  10. Beautiful photo..I have real difficulty with dusk photos..good info too Eki...


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