About Bandung

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Today is BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO's first anniversary. So, instead of posting a new photo and story, I'm presenting you with a slide show of some of the photos that I have posted for the past one year.

For the past one year, I have posted 292 stories and more than 300 photos of Bandung and its vicinities, making BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO one of the largest and most informative and comprehensive photo blogs covering Bandung. Thanks to City Daily Photo Blog network and your supports, it has also grown from an obscure new comer to a high-ranking blog with an average of more than 100 clicks per day. For all this, I'd like to say thank you, thank you, and thank you for all your supports, visits, and comments. It's YOU that keep me going despite the busier work schedules I have now.

Once again, Thank you!


  1. Congratulations on your first anniversary. Your slide show is a great idea. I have signed up to follow your site. Thank you for visiting my site and your kind wishes regarding its first anniversary.

  2. Mazal tov/congratulations Eki!
    When you see all your work together in one place like this, unfolding day by day, slide by slide, you realize just how much WORK you have put into your blog for a whole year.

    Bandung is very lucky to have you. We are lucky to have Bandung Daily Photo.
    Thanks for your dedication to making a better and more knowledgeable world.
    Peace be upon you.

  3. Happy new year.. Ups Sorrrryy :p

    Happy birthday bro..
    Tell to the world how indonesia looks like :D

  4. Congratulations! Happy anniversary!

  5. selamat 1 tahun untuk ur blog
    saya sering2 datand blog ini
    dan senag lihat foto anda.
    dulu saya tinggal di BD, 7 tahun yg lalu.
    oh, saya tak orang indonesia,orang korea.
    saya semoga menjadi terkenal blog ini.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on your 1st anniversary.Thanks for the slide show,there are all wonderful photos.

  7. Hi,
    My son just moved to Bandung to teach
    English as a second language. You're sight is a special find for me since I know nothing about the area. I look forward to reading you're daily postings.

    Previewing your anniversary photos has already been enlightening.

    thanks so much,

  8. Congratulations, Eki! You've done a terrific work!
    And what a great slideshow! You should be the one receiving presents, not us... :-)

  9. hello there! you make me miss Bandung even more .. :) and congratulations for the anniversary!

  10. Oh...Happy Happy Anniversary Eki. I have enjoyed your photos and getting to know you via your blog..and thank you for your kind wishes regarding my Mother's illness. I really appreciate it friend...Michelle

  11. Congratulations on your blog's first anniversary, Eki! You always have wonderful photos and stories, and it's a joy to visit your blog. Looking forward to many more years of Bandung photos from you!

  12. Congratulations on your first year. Look forward to another year of great pictures and stories

  13. Congratulations on the first year. I have been entralled by your blog both words and images as Indonesia in general is an area I know so little about. More than filled in the cultural, spiitual gaps in my on ongoing eduction. Bandung is a must visit daily for any blogger.

  14. Many congratulations on your first anniversary, Eki. Great idea to post a series of photos as you have- so varied, so interesting and all super photographs showing us the beauty and the variety of Indonesia. Here's to the next year and Happy Birthday!

  15. Congratulation for Bandung DP 1st anniversary or Selamat Merayakan satu tahun hari jadi Bandung DP!!!

    The slide show is so cool Aa! All the praises and comments above are well deserved! you have been working so hard and dedicated to share us abour your lovely city!

    Selamat yaa Aa'


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.