About Bandung

Friday, June 12, 2009

Skywatch Friday: Television and CB Antenna

Outdoor television antennas used to be a ubiquitous object in the urban skies (I guess they still do in many parts of the world). Slowly but surely, however, they have been or are being replaced by satellite dish or parabolic antennas and less conspicuous indoor antennas and cable television receivers which are technologically more reliable in capturing television broadcasts. (I think many of us would still remember how the weather condition would affect the quality of the pictures and sound received on our television sets and how winds could change the direction of our outdoor antennas and produced the "ants effect" on our television.)

Can you see what looks like a three-tiered object on top of the TV antenna? That's a CB (Citizen Band) radio antenna.

Just a few years ago, before the advent of mobile telephones/cellular phones and the internet, CB radio was also very popular and a very cool thing to have. I still remember spending hours in a friend's house just so that I could communicate and flirt with some strangers over the CB radio wave. (Now we can all do that on our desktop or laptop with the internet, which offers not only voice chat but also video calls and conference.) To think of it, it's amazing how fast telecommunication technology has developed and how wonderful it is. (I must admit, however, that I sometimes still miss the good old days ... ^_^).

This post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation in this week's Skywatch Friday meme. To see other photos of the sky or sky-related objects from around the world, please follow the links.


  1. My, how times have changed, huh? When I was a kid we'd occasionally get a ham operator whose transmitting would interupt the radio stations we were listening to. It was a long time ago... and still not that long ago at all.

    Beautiful sky in the photo. Great colors. :-)

  2. Beautiful golden sky, thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  3. That color is simply gorgeous. I just stared and stared at that photo. I couldn't even get myself to read what you wrote.

  4. Excellent photo,love the golden colour of the skies:)
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Such interesting info and personal reminiscences to go along with a nice photo.
    Ha, I do remember those early TV reception problems you write about. Our first set in 1950 had the indoor "rabbit ears" antenna!
    I don't have a TV now. --Progress?

  6. It's beautiful collection, but might be 2-3 years later we ca't see it anymore. Because goverment plan is change from analog signal to digital signal.

  7. Fantastic sky, beautiful color.

    Have a great weekend

    Gunilla in Sweden

  8. What a fantastic Post....The golden sky is so beautiful..Great one..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

  9. It is really a wonderful photo with nice colors of the sky...Thanks....

  10. Can't see your object, but sure like your golden sky!


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