About Bandung

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Convenience Cart

This is a snack and beverage vendor (convenience cart) at the southern part of Stasion Bandung (Bandung main railway station).


  1. Wow, it looks top-heavy but he does have everything secured.
    Eki, I was happy to find English on your other blog today. So you are a POET too!

    Thanks for your question. I tried to answer over on my comments section.

  2. Eki..how are you my friend. I have thought of you with recent events in your part of the world. I hope you and your family are well. We are fine here...

    That is a better selection than you can find in most places here. I wonder if the prices are reasonable. Michelle

  3. Eki, I am glad you are enjoying the slot canyon, cliff rose and other photos on my site. I love your Prince cat photos. i love the one where he is sitting in the pot. He needs to meet Luna who is currently in Luxembourg. I also really liked your photo collage on the food and it looks excellent. As always thank you for your comments and I am glad you were able to use my suggestion so people can find you more easily. Have a good day!

  4. Looks a bit like Egypt but much cleaner, the crisps have taken over the world. and the bags are filling the Nile.one shop here sells 50 varieties. photo on my Nilelife blog
    and today I have a job to photo the rest of the junk food sellers in luxor,
    Enjoyed my visit to your blog.


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.