About Bandung

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tropical Fruit Season

The rainy season, which - in the Indonesian archipelago - takes place between October and April, is also the fruit season. Opening the season is usually guava (jambu biji/batu). Then Mango, rambutan, durian, and a host of other tropical fruits are available in abundance.

In the photo is a street vendor selling mangoes at Jalan Raya Barat Cimahi in the west of Bandung.


  1. Mangoes in the rain, nice photos.

    I have a mango waiting in a paper bag in a dark cupboard. Is that really the way to hasten their ripening?

  2. Nice photos and (to me) it is also quite unusual fruit.

  3. I saw guava for the first time in India in March but most of those fruits aren't readily available in our grocery stores!

  4. It looks like there is plenty for everyone.

  5. It's durian,watermelon & rambutan season in our place.Durian are cheap here & I can see plenty of langsat from Kalimatan Barat(Pontianak) on sale here.

  6. Nice mangoes. We are having an abundance of durians and rambutans now in Sarawak.And indeed it is very rainy now through out Sarawak.

  7. it looks so much like manila. ^0^
    and those mangoes look fresh and tasty.


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