There are several cities in Indonesia that are renowned for their batik, namely Pekalongan, Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and Cirebon. Each of those cities has their own unique batik motifs that can be identified as their own.
Not being a city that is traditionally associated with batik, Bandung is not generally known as a batik center, much less a city with its own batik tradition and motifs. But Bandung does have its own batik tradition and unique motifs.
There is no historical record that says exactly when Bandung batik began to exist. But currently the term Bandung batik (or Batik Bandung in Indonesian) is usually associated with particular motifs that were introduced and promoted by Hasanuddin, a lecturer at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), in the late 1970s. His Bandung batik's motifs generally combine geometric patterns and a variety of traditonal design elements adopted from traditional batik motifs from other parts of Indonesia.
Hasanuddin established his own batik studio and shop in 1980 and has, since then, been actively creating and promoting a unique characteristic of Bandung batik. The studio, called Batik Hasan (located at Cigadung Timur in the northeast of the city), is also an important batik learning center where visitors who are interested in learning to make batik can take workshops in the art of batik making.
The above photo is taken and contributed by Myke Jeanneta, a housewife and a photography anthusiast who lives in Bandung. Thanks, Myke.
I think it is so handsome that they can make beautiful things by hand !!!
I love batik!!! I'm definitely planning next year to look at the batik shop. I think it is great to see it with my own eyes.
Hasan Batik studio also conducts workshops and practice of batik.
Assalamu 'alaikum, Saya mencari pembatik di Wilayah Bandung dan Jawa Barat untuk membatik 12 motif batik di kain Jeans kalau ada yang mampu hubungi Bpk. Mondana di 0813.9400.2445 sebelum tanggal 30 April 2012. Wassalam
Assalamu 'alaikum, Saya mencari pembatik di Wilayah Bandung dan Jawa Barat untuk membatik 12 motif batik di kain Jeans kalau ada yang mampu hubungi Bpk. Mondana di 0813.9400.2445 sebelum tanggal 30 April 2012. Wassalam
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