This is the present condition of prison cell number F-5 of the Banceuy Prison where Soekarno, Indonesian first president, was jailed by the Dutch Colonial Government from 1930 to 1931 for his involvement in the independence movement. As I said in the previous post, the whole prison has now been demolished and replaced with a shopping area, and this cell and a guard post are the only things that remain of it.
This is the 2.5 x 1.5 meter cell up close. It was in this cell that Soekarno composed his famous defense entitled "Indonesia Menggugat" (Indonesia Sues) with the help of books and other reading materials smuggled by his wife Inggit Ganarsih.
Considering this place's significance in the history of the nation's struggle for independence, this monument's condition is very pathetic and dirty. It is another example of how Bandung's government has no respect for history or historical sites.
saya baru tahu pak,, tadi saya sempet searching di om google dlu, ternyata penjara Banceuy ada di bandung y, tepatnya di jln Soekarno Hatta No. 187 A Bandung.
sayang banget y, padahal bisa jadi objek wisata tuh, lumayan kan buat tempat rekreasi yg unik, berwisata menarik ke penjara, pasti akan bisa bikin suasana yg beda dr tmpat wisata lain, slain itu bisa nambah pengetahuan masyarakat tntang sejarahnya dan menghasilkan devisa sendiri bagi pemda bandung :)
*komentarnya dengan bahasa Indonesia saja y pak,takut salah ejaannya pak :D
with the citizen's urging, i am sure that the people in govt will find a way to make this historical site more presentable and be given its due attention and respect.
Request Bro..
coba posting fotonya 5 ~ 10 foto per post
plus skalian uplod dong ke
website yg lumayan happening di U.S
I'm missing your posts, they are a highlight in my day. I hope you will be back soon.
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