Monday, November 19, 2012

Kerak Telor

Photo caption: A kerak telor seller in at Lapangan Gasibu (Gasibu Square), Bandung.

In addition to food stalls, the Gasibu Square also attracts different kinds of 'mobile' food and beverage sellers like this in the evening.

This man sells kerak telor, a traditional food from Betawi.

I call him a 'mobile' food seller because he uses pikulan (a bamboo carrying pole like the one you see in the picture) to carry all the equipment and ingredients he needs to make the food he's selling.


Dina said...

The eggs look so nice in the light. Such a pretty picture.

Unknown said...

Mobile food seller, okay, a new vocab for today. :)
Btw, did you try it sir?

Photo Cache said...

so glad you left a comment on my blog. i lost your url and i couldn't remember anything. now i have your blog back up in my blogroll.