About Bandung

Sunday, June 23, 2013

An Electronic Appliance Repairman at Work at Cikapundung Electronic Market

An electronic-appliance repairman at work in his shop at Cikapundung Electronic Market.

Cikapundung Electronic Market at Cikapundung street is a traditional market that specializes in the trades of electronic components and used or second hand electronic appliances. You can also find many repairman's workshops here.

A couple of weeks ago I had to go there to have my old record player repaired. I brought it to this man's shop. In less than 3 hours he fixed it. He did a good job and for a reasonable fee too. I was happy with the result.

Seorang tukang reparasi barang elektronik sedang bekerja di tokonya di Pasar Elektronik Cikapundung. Pasar Elektronik Cikapundung yang terletak di Jalan Cikapundung di pusat kota Bandung adalah pasar yang khusus menjual barang-barang bekas dan komponen ekektronik dan jasa reparasi barang-barang elektronik.

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