About Bandung

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rabbit Shops at Lembang

If you drive from Bandung to the district town of Lembang in the north of the city, you'd see these 'curious' shops lining some parts of Bandung - Lembang road. They sell rabbits and all kinds of products related to them.

There are different kinds of rabbits from all over the world here. All of them are locally bred. Farmers at Lembang and the surrounding areas have bred rabbits for at least 30 years. At first they were raised as a source of meat. Now more and more farmers are more interested in raising pet rabbits because they fetch higher prices and are considered more profitable to raise.

Toko-toko yang menjual kelinci dan segala keperluannya di sepanjang lanan Bandung - Lembang. Kelinci telah diternakkan di kawasan Lembang dan sekitarnya selama puluhan tahun, mula-mula untuk diambil dagingnya, namun kemudian mereka mulai menternakkan kelici hias yang harganya lebih mahal dan lebih menguntungkan.

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