About Bandung

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cafe Kupu-Kupu at Cimahi

Here is the front facade of Cafe Kupu-Kupu I was talking about in yesterday's post. The building is relatively small, but it has nice gardens in the front and backyard.

Tampak depan dari Kafe Kupu-Kupu di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Cimahi. Kafe ini tidak terlalu besar, tapi tamannya cukup tertata apik dan asri.

And as I said, it is a reading cafe with plenty of books and magazines that you can borrow and read while enjoying your foods and drinks. The collections seem to be rotated and updated regularly. I can always find new tittles whenever I go there.

By the way, kupu-kupu is the Indonesian word for butterfly. That's why you see butterfly ornament on the column.

Sebagian dari koleksi buku Kafe Kupu-Kupu yang bisa dipinjam dan dibaca oleh pengunjung. Buku-buku ini tampaknya diputar (diganti dan ditambah) secara teratur. Selalu ada judul-judul baru setiap kali saya berkunjung ke sana.

1 comment:

  1. it's adorable. is this just a coffeehouse or does it serve meals too?


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