About Bandung

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pancake at Cafe Kupu-Kupu

The pancake, served with a scoop of ice cream and slices of banana, I had sometime ago at Cafe Kupu-Kupu. Cafe Kupu-Kupu is located on Kolonel Masturi street, in the scenic northern hills of Cimahi. I like this cafe because it's a reading cafe with plenty of books and magazines that we can borrow and read while we're enjoying the beverages and foods. It's pretty close to where I live too.

Kue panekuk disajikan dengan es krim dan potongan pisang yang saya pesan di Kafe Kupu-Kupu di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Cimahi utara, beberapa waktu yang lalu. Saya suka ke kafe ini karena di kafe ini menyediakan banyak buku dan majalah yang bisa dipinjam dan dibaca sambil kita menikmati makanan dan minuman.


  1. pancake and ice cream sounds like a nice combination.

  2. Hmm....looks so yummy. Never been there, but I've heard and read many good reviews about this cafe. Nice pic.


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