About Bandung

Thursday, July 25, 2013

At The Stone Garden of Gunung Masigit

It rained when we got to the Stone Garden at the top of Gunung Masigit, so we had to take a shelter in a makeshift hut that had apparently been left by some previous climbers and waited for the rain to stop.We began exploring the place when the rain finally stopped.

The stone garden is a magnificent place. It's a vast field scattered with stones of different sizes and fascinating shapes. The landscape is 'bizzare'. To me, being there is like being in a far away strange land.

Here are a some more photos I took there. The light is a bit diffused and warm because the sky was cloudy and it was almost sunset time.

Hujan turun ketika kami tiba di Taman Bebatuan (Stone Garden) di puncak Gunung Masigit. Kami harus berteduh sejenak di sebuah gubung yang ditinggalkan oleh pendaki-pendaki sebelumnya untuk menunggu hujan reda sebelum mulai menjelajahi keindahan tempat ini.

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