About Bandung

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Praying Stone

This is one of the shapes of the stones that I found fascinating at the Stone Garden: A praying stone.

This stone is about 7 or 8 meters high, and -- to me -- it looks like a women wearing an hijab (head scarf) in the sitting positon of salat (Muslim prayer).

This post ends my stories about Bandung Geological History Tour that I have been posting in the past twelve posts (this one is the thirteenth). Tomorrow I'm going to start with another story.

Batu sembahnyang (shalat) di Taman Bebatuan (Stone Garden) di Gunung Masigit, Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Batu ini tingginya sekitar 6 atau 7 meter.

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