About Bandung

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Entrance to And Exit from Sang Hyang Poek

I suppose should have posted these photos before the one I posted yesterday in the sequence of this series. Anyway, I just want to show how the entrance to and the exit from Sang Hyang Poek cave look like:

This is the entrance to the cave. Quite small. We have to bend a bit to get inside. But the rooms inside are quite big. We can walk upright inside.

Pintu masuk ke gua Sang Hyang Poek cukup kecil. Kita harus agak membungkuk untuk masuk ke dalamnya. Namun ruangan di dalam gua cukup luas. Kita bisa berjalan tegak di dalamnya.

I've shown you the exit from inside in yesterday's post. This is what it looks like from the outside.

Pemandangan di luar pintu keluar gua Sang Hyang Poek cukup indah. Gua terletak di dalam tebing di sebelah kiri, dan di depan gua terdapat bebatuan besar dan, tentu saja, anak sungai Citarum dengan air yang cukup bening dan menyegarkan.

The stream (the Citarum tributary) in front of the cave is quite cool and refreshing, some of us took the time to enjoy it.

There are a lot of boulders in this river. Many of them are bigger that a buffalo.

From this place, we walked back to where we came from and Sang Hyang Tikoro, a legendary underwater cave, which is located near the Saguling Hydroelectric Dam.

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