About Bandung

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sanghyang Poek, The Cave

This is the continuation of my post yesterday and the day before.

Sanghyang Poek, the cave, was not as far away as I had thought it would be from Saguling Dam. After walking for only about 15 minutes, we arrived at the mouth of the cave. We walked inside and with the help of our torchlight explored it.

Sanghyang Poek is not that big a cave. It's more or less U-shaped. You enter from one mouth and exit at another opening. What you see inside is quite interesting though, especially if you walk with someone who knows a lot about the geological history of the place. It was quite dark inside and none of the pictures I did manage to take inside seem to come out right. So here's a picture that I took at the end of our exploration.

Gua Sanghyang Poek tidak terlalu jauh letaknya dari PLTA Saguling. Setelah berjalan kurang lebih 15 menit, kami sampai di mulut gua. Gua berbentuk U ini tidak terlalu besar dan bisa ditelusuri dari pintu masuk yang satu dan keluar dari pintu masuk yang lain. Suasana di dalam gua ini gelap dan cukup pengap. Kita memerlukan lampu senter untuk menelusurinya. Penelusuran gua akan lebih menarik kalau kita didampingi oleh seorang pemandu yang mengerti betul sejarah geologi tempat ini. Jika tidak, bentuk-bentuk batuan di dalamnya mungkin tidak akan terlalu menarik bagi kebanyakan orang.

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